Hi-tech Horticulture Through Drip Irrigation Technology

Hi-tech Horticulture’ may be defined as the deployment of any technology, which is modern, less environment dependent, capital intensive and has the capacity to improve the productivity and quality of horticultural crops.  Drip irrigation is one among the hi tech used in horticulture. Despite having a lot of advantages, it stands still to be expensive for purchase and use by small holder farmers. Access to these high-tech technologies is difficult by smallholder farmers due to high prices. High productivity in horticulture can be realized if these farmers are able to embrace high tech Horticulture.

Installation of cheap and affordable drip irrigation kits as a means of supplying water to the crops is one of services being offered by HOPMAC. The drip 

irrigation kit that covers an area of 750m2 up to 1200 plants. It comes with drippers, lateral pipes and 1000 litre tank. This is simplifying the supply of water to many farmer gardens. assisting small order farmers. There so many irrigation technologies at our office for smallholder to commercial farmers. We also have technologies for back yard gardens and landscape.